Battle of the Badges Scoring
- Points are awarded for four races: Marathon, Marathon Relay, Half-Marathon, and the 10k; for fund-raising, and course marshals.
- Services are ranked in each activity, best placing Service earns 12 points, next best 11 points, down to 1 point. 0 if not entered.
- Maximum possible score for a Service is 72.
- Relay:
- Ignore placings of non-Services teams.
- First place Services team is awarded 12 points, second place is awarded 11 points, down to 1 point.
- If a Service has more than one team, only the best placed team is involved in calculating points.
- Marathon, Half-Marathon, and 10k:
- Service must have at least one finisher to earn points in a race.
- The Service with the highest placed finisher earns 12 points. The Service with the next highest finisher earns 11 points, etc.
- Only the highest placed finisher for a Service counts, other finishers for that Service do not affect the points for other Services.
- Donations:
- Each person entering a USR event will be able to associate their entry with one of the Services.
- Participants will also be able to make a donation in addition to their entry fee.
- Services or Service members will be able to raise funds that will be donated directly to the event - all of which will be turned over to the charity.
- The Service with the highest amount of donations earns 12 points. The next highest donation amount earns 11 points, etc.
- Course Marshals:
- A person who is associated with a Service who serves as a Course Marshal during the races will earn 1 point for that Service.
- The Service with the highest number of marshals earns 12 points. The next highest earns 11 points, etc.
- Add scores for all races together. Most points wins the Battle of the Badges. In case of a tie, the Service with the most participants wins.